政法类 公办 普通本科
云南警官学院(前身为云南***高等专科学校)是云南省教育厅与云南省***厅共建、以***厅管理为主的全日制公办普通本科院校,始建于1950年4月。历经中国人民 *** 昆明市军管会***部***学校、云南省人民 *** ***厅***学校、云南省政法干部学校、云南政治学院、云南省***学校、云南省人民警察学校和云南***高等专科学校等时期。2003年经教育部和云南省人民 *** 批准升格为本科院校,2003年10月,云南警官学院挂牌成立。
Yunnan Police College
Politics and law public general undergraduate
Yunnan Police College (formerly known as Yunnan Public Security College), founded in April 1950, is a full-time public undergraduate college jointly established by Yunnan Provincial Department of Education and Yunnan Provincial Department of Public Security, and mainly managed by the Public Security Department. It has gone through the period of Public Security School of the Kunming Military Control Commission of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Public Security School of the Public Security Department of the People's Government of Yunnan Province, School of Political and Legal Cadres of Yunnan Province, Yunnan Institute of Politics, Yunnan Public Security School, Yunnan People's Police School and Yunnan Public Security College. In 2003, it was approved by the Ministry of Education and the People's Government of Yunnan Province to be upgraded to an undergraduate college. In October 2003, Yunnan Police College was established.