包含上海小区居民愤怒 *** 胡锡进发声的词条
香港由于 *** 者的大肆破坏而陷入交通瘫痪。
11日, *** 者发起“ *** 、 *** 、罢市”的“三罢”活动,从当日清晨开始在香港多个地区堵路并破坏公共交通设施,令周一的“早高峰”陷入一片混乱和惊恐之中。
图 via Twitter
On Monday, radical protesters in Hong Kong set road barriers citywide, burned subway and clashed with police. One police officer fired live rounds when attacked by several rioters. Police officers in NYC and London, would you open fire under this circumstance?
周一,香港激进 *** 者在全市设置路障,焚烧地铁,并与警方发生冲突。一名警察在遭到几名暴徒袭击时发射了实弹。纽约和伦敦的警察,在这种情况下你们会开枪吗?
图 via 微博
老胡作为一名媒体人,坚决支持这名港警开枪击倒围攻他的暴徒。今天早上香港激进 *** 者在全城设置路障,破坏地铁,强行制造全城“三罢”,并与警察激烈冲突。他们已成 *** 裸的暴徒。这名警察一人面对多名暴徒,面临被夺枪、遭暴打的威胁。他显然在警告那名有夺枪动作的黑衣蒙面暴徒不得靠近,但后者无视警告。警察开枪回击了现场暴徒的围攻,也向香港其他暴徒发出明确信号,他们围攻警察是要承担包括被现场击毙等各种法律风险的。香港当地一些媒体和西方媒体把今天的报道焦点全都集中在这名警察开枪上,淡化暴徒的违法犯罪恶行。这样的舆论引导令人感到恶心。老胡要对香港的警察说,什么都不用怕,坚决依法捍卫香港的法治秩序,强起来,硬起来。你们战斗在一线,但你们一点都不孤独。你们的身后不仅有爱国爱港的广大香港民众和全国民众,更有国家的武警部队和 *** 驻港部队,在必要时他们随时可以按照基本法规定进入香港直接增援你们。暴徒翻不了天。西方势力在香港同样翻不了天,香港的天与地不是他们的。
警方在其官方微博呼吁激进 *** 者冷静及保持理性,切勿作出伤害他人的行为,亦呼吁其他 *** 者及在场市民,切勿阻碍警方执法。
图 via Twitter @globaltimesnews
#BREAKING: #HongKong #police are now clearing the barricades that caused serious obstruction to traffic, and conducting dispersal operations after violent protesters blocked traffic at roads and cross-harbor tunnels Mon morning.
香港警方正在清理路障,这些路障造成严重的交通阻塞,并在周一早上暴力 *** 者阻塞道路和越港隧道交通后展开疏散行动。
#Hongkong rioters attacked a police officer in San Wan Ho on Monday morning, and the #police officer fired a live round at one rioter in self defense: Hong Kong reports
via Twitter
警方在其官方微博呼吁激进 *** 者冷静及保持理性,切勿作出伤害他人的行为,亦呼吁其他 *** 者及在场市民,切勿阻碍警方执法。
图 via Twitter
图 via Twitter
香港特别行政区 *** 也在今天中午发布中英文全文通告:
图 via sc.isd.gov.hk
图 via sc.isd.gov.hk
Since this morning (November 11), radical protestors set barricades in multiple locations in Hong Kong. They even dropped large and heavy objects from heights to carriageways posing grave danger to road users. Rioters also threw petrol bomb into MTR compartment and vandalised university facilities. Due to the rioters’ extensive illegal acts, Police has responded with dispersal and arrest operations. During Police operations, one Police officer has discharged his service revolver, one male was shot. In the Shatin and Tung Chung operations, police officers have drawn their service arms from their holsters.
自今日(十一月十一日)上午起,激进 *** 者持续在本港多区以杂物堵路,甚至从高处向马路投掷大型杂物。另外,有暴徒向港铁车厢内投掷汽油弹,以及破坏大学设施。因应多区出现混乱的情况,警方迅速采取驱散及拘捕行动。期间,有警务人员在西湾河拘捕违法者时,曾开枪及射中一名男子;而在沙田及东涌的执法行动中,有警务人员曾拔出配枪及擎枪。Online rumours stated that Police management have ordered frontline officers to recklessly use their firearms in today’s operations. Police clarifies that this allegation is totally false and malicious. Police has strict guidelines and orders regarding the use of firearms. All Police officers are required to justify their enforcement actions.
对于网上有流言,指控警队高层下令前线人员今日行动中可胡乱开枪,警方严正澄清绝无此事,警队对警务人员使用枪械有严格指引,所有警察都必须为自己的执法及行为负责。We appeal to radical protestors to be calm and rational. Protestors should stop all acts that threaten others’ safety and obstruct Police’s lawful execution of duty.
警方强烈呼吁激进 *** 者冷静及保持理性,切勿作出伤害他人的行为,亦呼吁其他 *** 者及在场市民,切勿阻碍警方执法。
资料:Twitter, sc.isd.gov.hk,Global Times,微博
图:Twitter, sc.isd.gov.hk, 微博